Our services
Our primary goal is to treat the refugees, asylees, and immigrants among us with the respect and dignity they deserve. We believe that every person deserves equal representation and access to legal services.
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About Immigration Legal Services
Immigration Legal Services (ILS) of Catholic Charities Dallas was established in 1975 in response to the growing number of immigrants moving to the North Texas area.
Program caseworkers are committed to help individuals understand the immigration law and to know their rights under the law.
The program provides a broad range of immigration representation to immigrants and their families.
- Address: 1421 W. Mockingbird Lane, Dallas, TX 75247
- By appointment only: call 214-634-7182 to schedule an appointment
- Initial consultation fee: $50 – $150 depending on subject
- Hours of operation: Monday through Friday, 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Immigration Legal Services
- Naturalization/Citizenship applications (click here to learn more)
- Applications for Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
- Permanent resident applications for refugees and asylees
- Document renewals and replacements
- Removal-based services
Volunteer with Immigration Legal Services
Volunteers are essential for providing services to the families we serve. Catholic Charities Dallas seeks the assistance of pro bono attorneys for both litigation and administrative cases. CCD also accepts law student volunteers during the summer and during the school year. For general volunteer inquires, click the button. For pro bono attorneys and law students, please fill out the form below.
Sponsors a day of free immigration consultations
Covers the fee of a green card application
Helps a family of four receive required immigration medical exams
Covers the filing fees for 10 DACA renewals
Sponsors the citizenship application filing fee for 13 seniors