News and Updates

Fig Loans & Catholic Charities Dallas to pilot Fig36, a Credit Building, Microlending Program

Fig Loans, a social impact startup that creates technology for underbanked Americans, partnered with Catholic Charities Dallas (CCD), one of the oldest and largest social services organizations in the Greater Dallas area, to conduct a Fig36 pilot with their financial coaches. The pilot program will be led by Parker Lumkes, CCD Financial Coach, using funds from United Way Dallas and the Credit Builder’s Alliance. This partnership is the second pilot for the Fig36 program. “We are excited to [...]

Catholic Charities Dallas Team Helped Newly Reunited Families At Texas Border A team of Catholic Charities Dallas staff and volunteers answered the call for help with the crisis at the border and travelled to McAllen, Texas to assist the team at Catholic Charities Rio Grande Valley last week. The team of nine staff members and four volunteers assisted with connecting reunified families with their loved ones currently residing in the US and assisting them with arranging transportation to the airport, bus stations, and hotels, and helped organize four [...]

Catholic Charities Dallas honored to be the charity of choice for this year’s Festival Del Sol presented by La Grande 107.5 FM

DALLAS-July 22 - La Grande 107.5 FM hosted their annual Festival Del Sol, a free 2-day music festival featuring an all-star line-up of Tejano and Regional Mexican artists on July 21-22 at Fair Park. Catholic Charities Dallas (CCD) was honored to be chosen as the beneficiary charity of choice for this year’s event.  A big “thank you” to Entercom Communications (formerly CBS Radio) for sponsoring the booth that allowed CCD staff and volunteers to visit with over 10,000 [...]

Visionary Leader Jan Pruitt Remembered at the Grand Opening of the Jan Pruitt Community Pantry

Pantry made possible by an innovative collaboration between Catholic Charities Dallas, the North Texas Food Bank and the Society of St Vincent de Paul of North Texas DALLAS -MAY 21- Catholic Charities Dallas, along with partners North Texas Food Bank and Society of St. Vincent de Paul will celebrate the Grand Opening of its new “Client Choice” Food Pantry by honoring Jan Pruitt, the late hunger visionary best known for her decade’s long tenure as CEO of the [...]

Kathy O’Neal Appointed Chief Development Officer for Catholic Charities Dallas

DALLAS, TEXAS (October 31, 2017) Catholic Charities Dallas (CCD), one of the oldest and largest social services organizations in Greater Dallas, today announced Kathy O’Neal has joined as Chief Development Officer, overseeing strategic development, fundraising and marketing efforts supporting the organization’s 26 programs serving more than 38,000 children, families and seniors in need every year. O’Neal was formerly owner and CEO of Club, Resorts and Hospitality Consulting specializing in member enrollment, member retention and committee and board formation [...]

Donate a Dr. Suess book for National Adoption Month

November is National Adoption month and Catholic Charities Dallas in celebrating the families that have been created through our Pregnancy and Adoption Program. We will be hosting our annual adoption party and this year’s theme is “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!” by Dr. Seuss. The Pregnancy and Adoption Program’s goal this year is to gift a Dr. Seuss book to every child that attends the party. We are asking for donations of any Dr. Seuss books. If you [...]

The Catholic Foundation Gives $100,000 for Harvey Relief

Emergency grant to Catholic Charities will help those affected by Hurricane Harvey in Texas   DALLAS – (Sept. 22, 2017) – The Catholic Foundation, a Dallas-based, lay-led community foundation, has provided a $100,000 grant to Catholic Charities Dallas (CCD) for disaster relief funding in light of the record-breaking impacts Hurricane Harvey had on Texas. Catholic Charities’ Disaster Relief program assists clients through the initial crisis with financial assistance towards temporary housing, transportation, food assistance and case management services. [...]

Catholic Charities Dallas announces its “Plan 2020” launch with the Grand Opening of their new Central Service Center

Media invited to learn about expanded services - ribbon cutting event - tour of the center DALLAS, TEXAS (August 2017) Catholic Charities Dallas (CCD), one of the oldest and largest social services organizations in Greater Dallas, today announced it is kicking off a new expansion “Plan 2020” in conjunction with the official opening of the new Central Service Center at 1421 W. Mockingbird Lane, 5:30 PM on Thursday, Sept.7, 2017. “Launching our three year strategic Plan 2020 with [...]

Important Message from Dave Woodyard RE: Hurricane Harvey Relief

An Important Message from Catholic Charities Dallas Dear Friends of Catholic Charities Dallas, Hurricane Harvey has undoubtedly touched all of us in one way or another. As fellow Texans, we have family, friends, business associates and others who are struggling with the after-effects of this terrible tragedy. The devastation in Houston, the surrounding suburbs and south Texas will have an impact on the Dallas metroplex for years to come. The reality is that the recovery will be long [...]

Catholic Charities Partners with St. Jude Inc. on Proposed New Permanent Supportive Housing Site

Dallas is short 1,000 housing units for people suffering homelessness.  CCD and St. Jude Inc. (SJI), a member of the Catholic Housing Initiative (, are collaborating on a proposed new project that will erase 10% of the shortage.  To learn more about the vision for St. Jude Center and how you can support this initiative, please contact Dave Woodyard at Download PDF to Read More

Update – Catholic Charities Partners with City of Dallas

Housing Fair For residents facing involuntary housing changes in the next 90 days. Come and meet real estate agents, mortgage lenders, housing specialists and city personnel to get all your home buying and rental questions answered in one place. Please bring your ID and pay stubs from the last two months. A result of the inquiry into West Dallas and Southern housing from January 2017.

FREE First-time Homebuyer’s Workshop

Thinking about buying a house?  Be sure to join us for a free First-time Homebuyer’s Workshop on Saturday, April 8, at 10am at the Audelia Road Library at 10045 Audelia Rd, Dallas, TX 75238.  The workshop is HUD-approved and participants will receive completion certificates at the end of the workshop.  Space is limited!  So be sure to register by calling or e-mailing Joselyn Ramey at (972) 246-6043 or

FREE Know Your Rights Workshop!

Catholic Charities Dallas will be holding a series of free Know Your Rights workshops at parishes across the Diocese to provide information about the rights of immigrants and to answer general immigration questions. All events are open to the community. Look below to find the workshop closest to you! Monday, March 20 at 6pm Cardinal Farrell Community Center (formerly Santa Clara) Mike & Mary Terry Gymnasium 321 Calumet Avenue Dallas, TX 75211 Saturday, March 25 at 7pm St. [...]

19th Annual Bishop’s Gala

Thanks to Friends of Catholic Charities for Another Great Event! With more than 1,000 Catholic Charities supporters in attendance – including the newly appointed Bishop to the Diocese of Dallas, the Most Reverend Edward J. Burns and the 61st Mayor of the City of Dallas, the honorable Mike Rawlings – the 19th Annual Bishop’s Gala proved to be a powerful fundraiser.  Event Chairs Steve and Betty Suellentrop hosted an evening of excitement with an exquisite dinner, live auction, [...]

Immigration: Know Your Rights

Catholic Charites of Dallas offers the following resources for immigrant families to be informed of your rights and have a safety plan ready in case of an emergency. Caridades Católicas de Dallas ofrece los siguientes recursos para las familias inmigrantes para que estén informados de sus derechos y tengan un plan de emergencia preparado. English video Spanish video

Our Commitment To Welcoming Newcomers

Motivated by the teachings and love of Jesus Christ, Catholic Charities Dallas (CCD) cares for the most vulnerable by providing an array of services including welcoming and seeking justice for newcomers.  As mandated by the gospel, the core of CCD’s mission is respecting the dignity of the human person and we will always help others in time of need regardless of their religion or country of origin. Refugees undergo the most strenuous vetting of any traveler to the [...]

Catholic Charities Partners with City of Dallas

Catholic Charities partnered with the City of Dallas to assist residents living in low-rent properties in West and Southern Dallas.  Our caseworkers are conducting face-to-face surveys with these residents in order to assess their personal current household and financial needs. The survey is also available below, and the information gathered will be used to provide immediate support and develop long-term solutions for the residents.     English survey:     Spanish survey: Residents were notified by letter that caseworkers [...]

Regina Fonts Morris Appointed Chief Development Officer for Catholic Charities Dallas

DALLAS, TEXAS (July 13, 2016) – Catholic Charities Dallas (CCD), one of the largest social services organizations in Greater Dallas, today announced Regina Fonts Morris has joined as Chief Development Officer, overseeing strategic development and marketing efforts supporting the organization’s 17 programs serving more than 27,000 children, families and seniors in need every year. Morris, who was most recently Vice President of Resource Development and Marketing for Boys & Girls Clubs of Greater Dallas, has extensive financial, marketing [...]

Coalition of Refugee Organizations to Spotlight 2016 World Refugee Day with Two-Part, Citywide Celebration

Dallas-area public invited to attend June 11 festivities and June 18 ceremony and resource fair DALLAS – (June 1, 2016) – To welcome and celebrate the more than 3,000 refugees who flee their homes in foreign countries to escape war, persecution and other harrowing circumstances every year to start a new life here in Dallas, the Dallas Area Refugee Forum, will host a two-day, event on June 11 and June 18 in honor of World Refugee Day with [...]

David Woodyard Named Catholic Charities Dallas CEO

35-year service industry veteran brings business expertise, community commitment DALLAS (February 29, 2016) Catholic Charities Dallas (CCD), one of the largest social services organization in Greater Dallas, today announced the hiring of David Woodyard as Chief Executive Officer, overseeing the organization’s 17 programs serving more than 30,000 children, families and seniors in need every year. Most recently, Woodyard was a consultant to the service and hospitality worlds after serving as a 31-year executive at ClubCorp, the world leader [...]

Catholic Charities Dallas Invites Public to Attend 2016 Bishop’s Gala on Jan. 23 Featuring Renowned Band Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons

Proceeds to benefit CCD’s Financial Stability & Career Services program serving the 40% of families and individuals living in poverty in Greater Dallas DALLAS (October 19, 2015) – Oh What a Night! For fans of legendary band Frankie Valli & The Four Seasons who also have a desire to help people in need, Catholic Charities Dallas’ 2016 Bishop’s Gala on Saturday, Jan. 23 will be the go-to event of the New Year. The 18th annual event, which will [...]

Catholic Charities Dallas and Proyecto Inmigrante ICS to Provide City-Wide, Free Citizenship Workshop

Group to provide free consultation services and assist first 500 qualified applicants with their U.S. citizenship application process DALLAS, TX (February 26, 2015) On Saturday, March 21, Catholic Charities Dallas and Proyecto Inmigrante ICS will offer a free, city-wide citizenship workshop beginning at 9 a.m. at Mountain View College. The workshop, intended to bolster the efforts of many, Dallas-based aspiring Americans working to achieve U.S. citizenship, will offer FREE assistance with the application process for the first 500 [...]

CATHOLIC CHARITIES OF DALLAS WEIGHS IN: Judge Hanen Injunction Response – Facts, Next Steps, Information Sessions

Facts: On February 16, 2015, the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas issued an opinion and order enjoining the relevant branches of the US Government from implementing the DAPA program, including the expansion of DACA set to begin tomorrow. This injunction does not affect the current DACA program that was announced on June 15, 2012. This injunction was issued by a Federal District Court. The Government can, and has indicated it will, appeal the injunction [...]

A Quick Immigration Snapshot – Where We Are Now & Key Historic Milestones Affecting Dallas

Latest Immigration News: On November 20, 2014, President Obama took executive action to reform immigration enforcement and provide relief to an estimated 5 million immigrants currently in the U.S. without authorization. Among the measures he announced, the center point is an administrative program that will allow certain people to apply for protection from deportation and for authorization to work in the U.S. What does this mean? The President announced plans to offer temporary protection from deportation, known in [...]

Catholic Charities Dallas Calls President Obama’s Immigration Relief a “Welcome, Long-Awaited Decision”; Outlines Impact for Greater Dallas

Non-profit readies to provide assistance to thousands of eligible immigrants DALLAS, TX (November 21, 2014) After years of preparing for Comprehensive Immigration Reform (CIR), Catholic Charities President/CEO Arne Nelson says the Dallas-based non-profit is ready to act to assist the thousands of eligible immigrants in North Texas who will qualify under President Obama’s new directive announced yesterday evening. Since 1975, Catholic Charities Dallas (CCD) has assisted immigrants in North Texas under many prior such programs, including the Deferred [...]

President Obama’s Immigration Actions on Nov. 20, 2014

Questions & Answers 1) What is the difference between Administrative Relief and Immigration Reform? Administrative Relief is an Executive action, a power within the President’s authority, to offer relief. Any reform to immigration law must be taken by Congress, who has the authority to make changes to immigration law. Executive actions are typically used to temporarily offer relief to a select and specific group. 2) What does “temporary” relief from deportation mean? It means that it is not [...]