St. Jude Center – Forest

104 units of permanent supportive housing for homeless seniors 55+

St. Jude Center – Park Central

200 units of permanent and transitional housing for homeless clients 18+

Rapid Rehousing

A time limited housing intervention program that connects households to permanent housing through medium-term financial assistance and tailored supportive services

Primary Services Provided to Residents

Social Services

Comprehensive case management includes counseling, referrals for medical and mental health services, securing more independent living.

Customized Goals

Vocational training, job placement, career services, and goal setting are discussed with the resident on a 1:1 basis.

Community Activities

Residents are invited to take part in community activities such as art class, fitness, lunches, bingo, gardening, and prayer services.

Physical/Mental Health Services

Mental health services take place on site. These include: counseling individuals, facilitating groups, and medication delivery

Basic Needs

Access to food, clothing, medical care and public benefits as well as bus vouchers to allow travel to and from employment interviews, appointments to access public benefits and for other purposes.

Road to St Jude’s

CCD relies on the Dallas Homeless Coordinated Access managed by Housing Forward to ensure that the most vulnerable and disadvantaged are screened and selected. St. Jude Centers and the Rapid Housing programs do not accept outside referrals or calls for residency.

St. Jude Centers only accept referrals directly from social service agencies or Housing Forward. Client must be working with a social service agency, documented as homeless in the Housing Forward housing priority list, and pass a background screening before being accepted as a resident at either St. Jude Center. Also, the referring agency must provide case management and secure the subsidy (through grants or vouchers) for each resident referred to St. Judes.

Photos of St. Jude Center